What is Your Recruiting IQ? - Take the Test!
1) How many Basketball College Scholarships are awarded each year in the United States?
[ ] 700] 1,000[ ] 1,200 [ ] 1,500[ ] 1,800
2) How many Basketball College Scholarships are awarded each year to Jr. College players?
[ ] 100[ ] 300 [ ] 450 [ ] 500 [ ] 600
3) When a college scout evaluates a player, which of these characteristics is LLEAST looked for?
[ ] Rebounding [ ] Scoring [ ] Hustle [ ] Defense [ ] Passing [ ] Ability to penetrate
4) If your son is entering his senior high school season and no schools have shown an interest in him even though he has shown the ability to play college ball; what is the most important thing that you should do?
[ ] Call college coaches [ ] Tell Jr. to “Get with it” [ ] Tell Jr.’s coach to “get with it”
[ ] Learn how to market Jr. effectively [ ] Put off buying that new car
5) Most non blue-chip players who receive basketball scholarships get them because:
[ ] They make very high SAT scores [ ] they score lots of points in a game
[ ] They send out a concise resume to a school [ ] someone opens a door for them
6) Which item below is MOST important when it comes to receiving a basketball scholarship at a NCAA school?
[ ] A high SAT/ACT score [ ] A recommendation from a HS or AAU coach [ ] A clear criminal record
[ ] Being a Clearing House qualifier ] Lead the team in scoring
7) What is the MOST important thing that you can do to ensure that your athlete has an opportunity to develop into the type of [layer that college coaches will want?
[ ] Ensure he is in a winning program [ ] Get him an athletic trainer
[ ] Surround him with people of character and knowledge [ ] Enroll him in as many summer cams as possible
[ ] Put a BB court in your back yard
1) 1,200
2) 600
3) Scoring
4) Learn how to market Jr. effectively
5) someone opens a door for them
6) Being a Clearing House qualifier
7) Surround him with people of character and knowledge
I will comment on the test soon in another blog article.. Meanwhile, here are some related links
Do you only have Division I eyes?
How to Catch a College for Junior
At 9:31 AM,
Anonymous said…
Houston Boys Basketball (local scouting service) 281-222-3216
This IQ test and answers very
correct. We evaluate an avg. of
12 h.s. games per week and talk
to colleges coaches everyday.
agbranch@myway.com feel free to
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