Jai Lucas: Opportunity and Hard Work Equals Success

The Dad highly recommends viewing the May 14, 2007 Web broadcast of “Nothing But Net” featuring a one hour interview with Jai Lucas and his High School coach, Bruce Glover. Jai signed a letter of intent to attend the University of Florida at a Bellaire High School press conference earlier in the day. This show was my personal favorite in the improving “Nothing But Net: (NBN) series. This broadcast may have been the most watched show to date as excited Florida fans and jilted coaches tuned in to see the newly signed McDonald’s All-American. (I do not know if NBN tracks viewers.)
Why did I like the show? Why do I recommend it? Because, Jai Lucas is an over-comer! I found myself rejoicing with this kid. Many people will say that with his Dad’s (former NBA star and coach John Lucas) influence, success was inevitable. But, there are hundreds of kids who have successful and influential parents who have failed in their pursuits. Most kids in Jai’s position will tell you that following big footsteps leads through a mine-field of potential pitfalls.
Jai was labeled too small and too short to ever become an All-State player at the 5A level, much less a McDonald’s All-American. During the summer following Jai’s 8th grade school year, Poppa John asked Bellaire High School BB coach Bruce Glover if Jai could make his varsity squad as a 9th grader. After watching the “too small”, “too short” kid play, the candid coach responded, “No, but perhaps he can make it s a 10th or 11th grader”. Apparently, Jai did not accept “No” as a final answer, he just went back to work in the gym. History tells us that Jai started at point guard for 4 ears at Bellaire. Did Poppa John’s influence help to kick in the door? Well, let’s just say that it did not hurt. Coach Glover says that once he gave Jai the ball to run the point, he never gave it back.
Opportunity may open a door for you, but you must be ‘prepared’ to take advantage of it. The pressure to perform in a situation like this is enormous. Just imagine what you will have to endure if you do not produce! Imagine the ire of parents whose budding young superstar will have to take a back seat to this ‘little’ kid or find another bus. Some Bellaire parents have done just that; the Dad has talked with them. Their situation may not have been ‘fair’, but it was very real.
Jai Lucas cannot change the fact that he is john Lucas’ son. He has to live with that reality. He has to deal with the expectations. He has to deal with the legacy. He has to deal with the haters. The one’s who do not think that it is fair that he is Jai Lucas. Jai has had to deal with on court taunting, unnecessary rough stuff as insecure players feel it necessary to ‘prove’ that they are better.
Opportunity is a wonderful thing, but it can seem like a curse if you are not prepared to walk into the doors that open for you. Jai prepared himself with a work ethic that few can maintain. Jai decided to use the pressure and taunting to motivate him instead of allowing it to make him angry and bitter. Jai continued a workout regime that includes three or four sessions per day beginning at 6 a.n. This schedule has evolved from a regime to a lifestyle for Jai. Most kids Jai’s age find it too difficult to maintain a schedule like this for more than a few weeks. When Coach Glover expressed doubt about Jai’s ability to make the varsity as a 9th grader, Jai improved his game so dramatically over the summer, that he reversed Coach Glover’s words. Most kids see rejection as a message to give up. Jai on the other hand has learned to turn doubt and hating into what Bobby Bouche (The Waterboy) would call “tackling fuel”. (By the way, if you have never seen ‘The Waterboy’, go out and rent it today!)
Jai has risen above his critics, doubters and haters to become a high school All-American and has signed a letter of intent to play with the two-time NCAA Champion Florida Gators. He has an opportunity to compete for the starting point guard position as a freshman. I like the fact that Jai is not gloating but rather thanking everyone who doubted that he could make it. This is truly a remarkable story about a remarkable kid. I just rejoice with Jai and look forward to watching him on TV next season.
If kids would take the time to consider Jai’s obstacles and not just look at his opportunities, they would learn some helpful secrets about life. The most important principles include:
o Hhard work produces results
o hating produces nothing
o Doubters are generally blind to the potential inside of you
Go Jai, you just sold a subscription to he ESPN NCAA Baskeball Game day (or whatever it is called). The Dad will be watching!
Here are some internet references to Jai’s signing:
Gators Sign Point Guard Jai Lucas
Jai Lucas chooses Fla., informs Patterson via text
Gators beat Kentucky for prized recruit
UK loses top prospect to Fla.
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